Weather In London On August

Weather in London on August

August is a time of warm temperatures and some of the highest levels of rainfall of the year in London. The average temperature in August is usually around 17°C (63°F), but can reach up to 22°C (72°F).

Average Temperature

The average temperature in London during August is usually around 17°C (63°F). This is a pleasant temperature for most people, and is suitable for a range of outdoor activities. However, it is not uncommon for temperatures to reach up to 22°C (72°F).


August is one of the wettest months in London, with an average of around 79mm of rain. This is higher than the average for the year, which is around 53mm. It is important to be prepared for rain when visiting London in August, as there are often heavy downpours.


August is usually a sunny month in London, with an average of around 211 hours of sunshine. This is slightly higher than the average for the year, which is around 186 hours. However, there are days when the sun does not appear, so it is important to be prepared for all types of weather.


The average wind speed in London during August is around 10 knots (11.5 mph). This is slightly higher than the average for the year, which is around 8 knots (9.2 mph). The wind can be quite strong at times, so it is important to be prepared for gusts of wind.


The average humidity in London during August is around 75%. This is slightly higher than the average for the year, which is around 69%. The humidity can be quite high at times, so it is important to be prepared for hot and muggy days.


August is usually a pleasant month in London, with warm temperatures and plenty of sunshine. However, it is also one of the wettest months, with an average of 79mm of rain. It is important to be prepared for all types of weather, from heavy downpours to strong gusts of wind.

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